a woman is smiling while sitting in a dental chair.

Tooth Extractions - Carmel Valley, CA

Stress-Free Tooth Removal

Using the latest restorative dentistry techniques, Dr. Alhamdi is usually able to repair even the most severely decayed or broken teeth, but unfortunately, sometimes an extraction ends up being the best solution for someone’s oral health. Thanks to modern anesthetics and his expert touch, most patients report feeling practically nothing in the chair during the procedure, let alone pain. Plus, Dr. Alhamdi is able to offer a multitude of tooth replacement options if necessary, helping a patient rebuild their smile without any delay.

Why a Patient Might Need a Tooth Extraction

Overall, Dr. Alhamdi’s goal with every patient is to help them preserve their natural teeth for as long as possible, but the following situations may call for an extraction:

  • A cavity has already damaged most of a tooth and is starting to spread to the nearby teeth
  • A tooth with a large filling has developed decay again
  • A patient is getting a dent
  • ure, and more room is needed in the mouth to help it fit properly
  • Gum disease has weakened the bone needed to hold a tooth in place
  • Physical trauma has broken the enamel to the point that it isn’t able to support a crown
a woman is holding her mouth in pain because of a toothache.
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